Past Show

Reconstructed Shadows

July 19 – 30, 2023

OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, July 22, 2023 – 2-5 pm

Join us IN-PERSON at the Leslie Grove Gallery.

See the show, meet the artists, bring a friend!

COVID-19 Protocols: following provincial and city guidelines


In this collaborative artistic endeavour, Jeff Rozdeba and Robert Quance embarked on a journey to breathe new life into the discarded, forgotten, and obscure visuals of yesteryears. Through the fusion of vintage materials, ephemera, and original photographic imagery, they construct bodies of work that not only engages but also sparks the viewer’s imagination.

Jeff and Rob have delicately navigated through forgotten realms, unearthing remnants of a bygone era. These fragments, once lost to time, are carefully revived and seamlessly integrated into our artistic compositions.

Central to our artistic philosophy is the idea of viewer participation. With each meticulously crafted image, we present a visual tapestry that encourages the viewer to delve into their own imagination and interpretation. By deftly intertwining the disparate elements within our compositions, we invite the viewer to construct their own personal narratives, forging connections between the past and the present, and giving new meaning to forgotten artifacts.

Within the realm of our artistic collaboration, each image becomes a gateway to a realm where memories, dreams, and emotions converge. Jeff and Robert take on the roles of storytellers, carefully selecting and arranging visual fragments to create a captivating visual language. It is through this language that we communicate our own visions, and now invite the viewer to embark on a journey of discovery and introspection.

Reconstructed Shadows not only captures the essence of forgotten eras but also serves as a testament to the enduring power of art in transcending time. It is their hope that the work inspires the viewer to reevaluate their own relationship with the past, to find beauty in the overlooked, and to recognize the profound narratives that lie within the shadows of history.

In this work, Jeff and Robert blend their artistic sensibilities, honed through years of exploration and experimentation, to create an immersive visual experience. Together, they aim to ignite a spark of curiosity and imagination within the viewer, allowing them to embark on their own personal voyage through the evocative world they have crafted.

Featured Artists:
Jeff Rozdeba, Robert Quance.